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Chiropractic is the health profession that deals with the detection, correction and prevention of problems of the spine and nervous system, and the close relationship between these two parts.

The Nervous System is responsible for making all the parts of your body work properly and in tune with each other. The spine is an armour of bone, which, like the skull, has the task of protecting the most vulnerable and important parts of the nervous system, the spinal cord.

of the Nervous System, the brain (structures inside the skull) and the spinal cord. Together they form the central nervous system.

The spinal cord is like a cable made up of tiny wires inside it. These small wires branch out and give rise to nerves, which emerge between the vertebrae to go to their destination (muscles, organs, joints, etc.). The set of nerves that emerge from the spinal column is known as the Peripheral Nervous System.

Dolor de espalda
Sistema Nervioso y columna vertebral

Central and Peripheral Nervous System, and Autonomic SN

The chiropractor's job is to ensure that the spine is in an optimal state so that there is no interference with the flow of information carried by the nerves. 

This information is of crucial importance, as it goes in both directions. The SN tells the body how it has to work, and the body not only listens to it, but also tells the SN how it is, what its state is, so that the SN makes the necessary corrections for optimal functioning.

We must be clear that pain is the body's mechanism to indicate where there is a problem, an alarm light that tells us that something is wrong. There is no point in turning off the pain signal with painkillers or letting the body turn off the alarm signal over time, and thinking that the problem has been solved.

When the body and the Nervous System communicate properly, the body is able to function at 100% and express its full potential.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

The chiropractic adjustment is the impulse applied by the chiropractor on the patient to perform the joint correction. It is characterised by a quick, short, specific and painless movement. 

Dolor cuello

What is a vertebral subluxation?

In chiropractic we say "vertebral subluxation" when a vertebra does not function as it should and consequently does not move properly, becomes swollen, increases the rate at which structures degenerate and interferes with the flow of information between the Nervous System and the body.

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